
A Taste of Authentic Italian Tradition in Cabarete

lupa quesería cabarete

Indulge in the Taste of Authentic Italian Tradition

Click here for directions.

Call: +1 809 889-9980
See more informationLupa
Opening Hours:
Tuesday-Saturday > 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sundays  > 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Mondays > Closed


“The best cheeses!! Always super fresh, delicious, very versatile for many recipes… they are never missing in my house!”

– Laura Herrera


Cheese, Yoghurt and Food Shop in Cabarete.

Since its opening, Quesería Italiana Lupa has been a cherished cornerstone of Cabarete, offering a delectable array of Italian artisanal products. Founded by the visionary Don Carlo Luciani, this family-owned establishment has become a beacon of culinary excellence, crafting treasures like velvety mozzarella, indulgent burrata, and creamy ricotta.

The name “Lupa,” meaning ‘she-wolf’ in Italian, pays homage to the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, symbolizing a connection to ancient roots and a dedication to timeless culinary craftsmanship. Here, the mantra is clear: support local farmers, prioritize freshness, and uphold uncompromising quality. Quesería Italiana Lupa isn’t just a cheese shop; it’s a testament to a rich heritage, where every product carries the essence of Italy and the heart of Cabarete. Come, taste the legacy.